Guest: Dr. Kevin Pecca
At 20 years old, Kevin Pecca went from living his best life to thinking he was dying and destined to a life of severe pain and limitations after an ice hockey accident that caused a concussion. For five years he sought treatment from multiple doctors; he had MRI and Platelet Rich Plasma treatment injections. He searched for five years before finding Dr. Drew Hall Episode, who could correct the injury around his brainstem. After he started healing, Kevin Pecca decided to go to chiropractic college and learn how to help others the way he has been helped as a Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor.
Blair Upper Cervical Doctors are able to put those top two bones back into alignment down to the exact millimeter precisely by using 3D x-rays and giving a precise adjustment.
Every adjustment is different. There is asymmetry in the spine that makes everybody different. Not everybody has the same trauma, so not everyone's going to get the same adjustment.
We want people out there living their lives feeling good, not constantly in a doctor's office.
Dr. Pecca delivers hope as the host of the Expect Miracles Podcast. He tells the story of the background for this podcast name.
What it takes to be a Blair Upper Cervical Doctor.
Getting Tik-Tok famous -The global reach of social media.
How to know if a Doctor has the proper training and where to find one near you or here
You can find Dr. Kevin Pecca here:
Expect Miracles Podcast
Montclair Website
Spine of Life
To contact Ruth, go to https://www.blairclinic.com
Welcome, welcome, welcome to What Pain in the Neck. In this podcast episode, I am so pleased to introduce Dr. Kevin Pecca. Yes, that Kevin Pecca of Expect Miracle Podcast. You may have seen him on TikTok. And I think, Dr. Pecca, you may have done more to spread the word about Upper Cervical than just about any other doctor I know.
Ruth, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here and spreading the word of Upper Cervical has been my goal because it saved my life. And at the time, it took me five years to even know about it. So the more videos I can get out sharing the word, I think the more people it's going to help and ultimately get people better.
Yeah. So can you, since you just got right into it, why don't you share that story? What happened to you? And, you know, you were terrible for five years, it sounds like, so why don't you tell that story?
So when I was 20 years old, I was playing ice hockey and I got my last ice hockey concussion. And it wasn't even my worst one.It was probably one of the lighter ones. But I've had about three or four at that point. And anybody that knows anything about concussions is they kind of accumulate over time. So my last ice hockey concussion, I got on a Wednesday. I felt a little bit out of it. A headache, a little lightheaded for a couple minutes after it. But then I continued playing. And then I played some more hockey that weekend. And on Monday morning, I woke up with blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, hand tremors, anxiety, depression, and I didn't really know what was going on because I didn't get a huge hit to the head. I just got a little one, so I was really scared because I didn't know if, you know, my body was shutting down on me. I didn't know if it was a concussion, it felt like I was dying. And so I was really nervous.
So you went from being an active, athletic ice hockey player to what?
I went from, what I thought at the time was the best time of my life. Perfectly healthy, enjoying college, playing hockey, being with my friends, to two weeks later, being almost completely disabled. It was tough for me to read a book. The words would get all scrambled. I couldn't type on a computer because just the input from looking down at the computer, looking back up the screen would cause me symptoms. Hand tremors. I had hand tremors at 20 years old. And I remember picking up a flashlight and showing the neurologist because he kept saying, “Kevin, it's - it's - your - everything is good. Your tests are coming back fine.” And I picked up a flashlight off his desk and I turned it on and put it against the wall and it was flickering. And I was like, “I'm 20 years old. This is not normal. Something is going on.” And it was incredibly frustrating because I wasn't getting any answers from the neurologist, the ENT, the primary care physician, my MRIs were normal, my CAT scans were normal, my blood work was normal. I thought my life was over. This was two years of just doors just shutting in my face and nobody having any answers for me. I thought my life was over and I was, at 20 years old, I was gearing up for a long, miserable life because I went to some of the best doctors in the country for concussions and they didn't have any answers for me. It was a very scary time in my life.
But you're talking about all of this in the past.
Absolutely. Yeah, it's a past tense. Thank God. And I just want to touch on this too. This is one of the worst things that could happen to somebody because it's an invisible injury. So people look at you and you look fine. You look like you're completely healthy.
Yeah, that is difficult.
But if you, if anybody could go inside your brain and your body, you feel like you're dying on the inside. So it's very tough to communicate that message with family, friends, doctors. Nobody really understands it but you or somebody that's been through it themselves. So that's one of the most difficult parts about having like a silent illness or condition because you can't see it but you're dying on the inside. Anyway, so I suffered with that for about four to five years of post concussion syndrome and I had little journeys on the way that kind of put me on the right path. I remember I went to this doctor that was doing Platelet-rich plasma injections in the neck. He was helping out a lot of professional ice hockey players at the time, and he was the first person that told me “that there's a chance you can get better. And you could heal from this because posture dictates function.” And he drew a picture of the brain stem. And he said, “you’re misaligned out here. If we can inject the PRP shots and straighten this out, we might be able to help you.”
So the brainstem actually sits just below the skull in the neck?
Exactly. Exactly. And that first bone, the atlas houses it, and there's no disc space up there in the upper neck. So it's impossible to have a head injury without having a neck injury. Yeah,
I just did another interview with another doctor. It was Dr. Al Cobb in our office. And we actually looked up the numbers. It takes 80 to 90 Gs of force or more to cause a brain injury. And four Gs of force to cause a neck injury.
Wow. And do you know what 80 or 90 Gs of force would be compared to?
Just that, it is a lot. A lot. A lot, a lot. I know that fighter pilots and things like that, they get like eight or nine Gs. Like just from breaking the sound barrier. That's 8 or 9. And so 90 is like a lot.
A lot. Yeah. And four is where you get the, the neck injury, right?
Yes. So if you have 90 -, if you have a concussion, by definition, you've been exposed to 80 to 90 G's of force. And what happens to that little delicate bones right there?
Right. And you know, it's interesting too, I have several patients that when we do their intake history, some don't report any signs of trauma, car accident. Sports injuries, slip and falls, they don't have anything that they could recollect in their past history that would result in some type of upper neck misalignment through trauma. And then we take their 3D x-rays and their upper neck's a mess. So it doesn't take much to misalign that area.
Yeah. And I - but I think also a lot of times there's multiple small traumas. So let's say you're learning to ride a bike and you fall off eight times and they, just like your concussion, accumulate.
Yeah. Absolutely. And even, I think a lot of people are out of alignment since day one, just getting pulled out of the birth canal too hard. The infant's neck is so fragile and you know, you have forceps, vacuum extractions, or even just getting pulled out too hard, that can misalign people. And even though that baby might not have symptoms on day one, age two, age four, age five. They have chronic ear infection, sinus infections, headaches. It does accumulate over time. Like you said, and most of the time it's difficult for people to connect the dots of their symptoms because usually symptoms are the last thing to show up. Dysfunction happens way before.
Yeah. So on that note, I'm just going to give a public service announcement. If you're a parent and you're listening to this, make Upper Cervical care part of your baby's wellness care. As a mom myself, I'm super passionate about that. And at the Blair Clinic, we're offering those complimentary to kids. Because I know my life would have been different. My injury, personal injury, happened when - at least when I was two. And possibly at birth, like you said. But at the very latest. at around age two. And then it wasn't corrected until I was an adult. So by then there's permanent damage.
Years and years of trauma. Yeah.
So do you have any residuals now this many years later after your injury?
So when I am in alignment, no, not, not, not at all. I'm a hundred percent healed. If my alignment goes out for two, three weeks, I will start to get a slight headache. I will start to get upper neck pain. Maybe a little bit of dizziness for a couple seconds. But when I had my injury, there was days where I couldn't get out of bed. So I can completely function out of alignment. I can go to work. I can treat patients. I can do everything. It's more of just like an inconvenience that I feel something in my neck’s out that I need to fix.
Yeah. And I think it's important to note that your body can heal, right? But once it's been injured, there'll always be that little weakness. So that's why sometimes you just need a little maintenance. Is that fair?
Absolutely. It's fair. And so I will say, I never thought I was going to be able to lift heavy weights again, work out, surf, play hockey, do jiu jitsu. I do all of that.
I've heard your podcast about jiu jitsu. And my son is actually - he teaches jiu jitsu.
Yeah. So it actually, I was concerned cause that's all neck. Everybody's grabbing at your neck and I always wanted to do it. And I just said, finally, one of my patients came in that owns a gym and I said, all right, let's do it. And it actually made my neck a lot stronger and I don't pop out during it. So that's just shows how much my neck has healed over the years. I think those Platelet-rich plasma shots also help strengthen the ligaments too. But I held one Upper Cervical neck adjustment for three years. Which, and I know Gordon has held it 10, 12 years, which is not the case for everybody.
Yeah, but he also started, in all fairness, as a young child.
He did, yeah.
So that is another reason why I am passionate about this. Because I have seen my husband's family who all started Upper Cervical care. They had their neck injured as young children and their mother knew about Upper Cervical care and brought them in to the Blair doctor when they had a problem and they're in fantastic health. Yeah, they almost never go out of alignment and then contrast that with my own story, it's like night and day. Mm hmm. So that's why I'm so passionate about that.
Yeah, and I don't know one other treatment, modality, therapy that can do what a Blair Upper Cervical adjustment can do, I mean.
Okay, I agree with you. But in your own words, can you describe what it is?
Yeah, absolutely. So, the main thing about what we do, and one of the things we say is holding is healing. So, it's not the adjustment that necessarily gets people better, it's it actually holding in place. So what we do in Blair Upper Cervical is, we focus on the upper neck, where the brain stem is, where most people have these injuries, and those two bones, they weigh a couple ounces, and your head is about a 10 to 15 pound bowling ball, and there's no disc space up there. So when you do have some type of fall, car accident, sports injury, it's very easy for those bones to lock out of place. And every nerve in your body passes through that gateway. And when those bones lock out of place, it can cause a plethora of neurological symptoms, like the ones I suffered with, like the ones you've had. Or it could be low back pain, or any really type of symptom it can contribute to. So, what Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic does better than any other treatment is, we are able to put those top two bones back into alignment down to the exact millimeter precisely by using 3D x-rays and giving a precise adjustment, and every adjustment is different. Not everybody has the same trauma, so not everyone's going to get the same adjustment.
Yeah. And also everybody's bones are shaped different.
There's asymmetry in the spine. So not everybody just gets the same exact chiropractic adjustment. There are thousands of way that top bone can misalign. So it's so important that you're as specific as possible to let that area and bone and segment hold into place exactly where it needs to be so your body can heal. One of the things I love about Blair is I was basing my life around chiropractic appointments, physical therapy appointments, doctor's appointments four to five times a week for years. And this was the first technique that put the healing back in my hands. Cause I would get a Blair adjustment and it would hold in place, two, three, four weeks.
Yeah, our goal is to not adjust and the goal is to not see you in the office.
Exactly. We want people out there living their life feeling good, not constantly in a doctor's office. And so I was like this is putting the healing back in my hands.My body's healing by itself I don't need to rely on another practitioner every day, every week to fix me. My body's doing it itself self and it's because the adjustments can hold in place and when they start holding, you don't constantly need to be in a doctor's office saying, “how on earth am I going to get better?”
Yeah. Beautiful.
What Blair I think does better than a lot of the techniques out there is they're able to hold the adjustments that can hold in place for a very, very long time. And that's when you see a lot of healing take place.
Yeah. I actually want to go back to something you said a few minutes ago because you were talking about the invisible injury and the words you used was “it felt like it was killing you on the inside”. And the reason I'm grabbing a hold of that is the doctor who who fixed me, the Blair doctor who fixed me, his name is. Dr. Muncy. He would always talk to patients, the way he would describe the Upper Cervical misalignment is there's a bone out of place and he would make a little motion and little twisty motion with his hand and go [noise], make a little noise and say, it's killing you from the inside.
And I don't know about you, but I feel like sometimes if I've had that misalignment, like things are more dim, it's like there's a discouragement, desperation, like life doesn't feel worth it. And then you get that adjustment. In an instant, maybe the pain hasn't all gone away, but it's like, life is alright.
That's one of the first things I notice after I get adjustment, how bright the room gets. And interesting enough, one of the ways I can tell I'm out of alignment is my right eye starts to shut a little bit. And almost immediately after I get an adjustment, my eyes open up, the room's brighter, and the colors are brighter, and I could feel the blood flow reconnected from the brain to the spinal cord. It's almost immediate for me. It doesn't happen to everybody, and when it's out for a long time, I could feel, like, the blood not getting up to my head as well as it should, and I get chronic fatigue, and tired, and little tasks become so difficult. And when you get it put back in place, it just, it's almost like everything is right again in the world. I can't think about anything else. Like, especially when - if it's a long time after my Atlas is out for like a month, which I try not to let happen, I can't focus on anything else until that's out back in place. And when it is, everything is right in the world.
Okay. So that actually is a good time to say your podcast that you have. And have had for a long time and quite frankly, it's been an inspiration for me to do this podcast because I used to - I still do listen to your podcast, is called Expect Miracles. So it's a lot to promise, isn't it?
It's not so much a promise. It's more to give hope. And, the reason it is called Expect Miracles was because I remember at my lowest point, I gave up hope. I didn't think I was ever going to heal. And I remember walking into Dr. Drew Hall's office and somebody said, you should try Upper Cervical care. And I was like, all right, you know, I've tried everything else. I went into Upper Cervical care thinking this was just going to be another modality or treatment. I told myself I would try everything possible to get better, but I honestly didn't expect much. I didn't expect much.
And certainly not a miracle.
Yeah. And so, but I remember walking around the corner of Dr. Hall's office and on the top of his door, it said expect miracles. And I don't know what it was about that sign, but my eyes just gravitated towards it. And I just remember, oh, - that is - that's - I just focused on it. I was like, “this is, this place is different.” Like, there's, - it gave me hope. For five years, I didn't have any hope. That aign alone just gave me hope to hang on a little bit longer. And I'm not promising miracles in my clinic. I'm just trying to deliver hope to people that have been everywhere else and they're not getting any answers that it is possible for you to heal. And that's, Just like an internal message to say to yourself, expect miracles, because if you can just give a person a little hope that's been everywhere, it goes a long way.
Yeah, yeah. Thank you for that So, we've talked a lot about your journey to getting well. And somewhere along the way, you went to chiropractic school, you decided to learn this, and now you've beenin practice for a fewyears and you're training others and expanding. Do you want to talk a little bit about that journey?
Yeah. So when I graduated chiropractic school I decided to work with a doctor named Meg Banitch in Montclair, New Jersey, who was in practice for 30 to 35 years. Her father owned the practice before her. Her grandfather owned the practice before her. So it was such an honor to step into a practice that was fourth generation. And I was so honored that she trusted me with it. And I was so excited to deliver Upper Cervical care and keep the existing patients. Our first secretary who started care when she was 18 years old. The first secretary of the practice is still under care, still getting adjusted. She's 88 years old. I mean, that's, that's truly amazing. And she's, she stuck with it through all those different doctors.
Yeah. We have similar stories at the Blair Clinic.
Yeah. So that's just an honor in itself. And then I took it over from Dr. Banitch and I think with just having such a passion for Upper Cervical and wanting to give the best care possible, the practice really grew and took off. So much so that we hired another doctor, Dr. Jeff Scott, who is also from New Jersey, a very good Upper Cervical doctor. We have Dr. Neshi Rodriguez in there now. So we have two doctors up in the Montclair Upper Cervical office. One of the questions I didn't ask myself graduating chiropractic school is where do you wanna practice? I was - I just wanted - you could have put me anywhere and I would've been so happy and I was so happy doing it. But, I think after five years of running the business side of things about the three-year mark, I kind of, I wasn't doing the sole fulfilling activities that were important to me. I love surfing. I love going to the beach. I love the warm weather. And that aspect of my life was missing in New Jersey and it started to weigh heavily on me. And so I put together a plan to hire Dr. Jeff, Dr. Nesci Rodriguez. And now we have our second location opening up in St. Augustine, Florida, October 16th, 2023. And I'm very excited about that.
Yes. Congratulations. That's more doctors available in more places.
So nobody's doing it down there either. we need more Blair doctors out there if you're listening.
Yes. Shameless plug. So what does it take to be a Blair doctor since you brought it up?
That's a great question. With anything, it definitely does take a passion and love for what you do, even if it's regular chiropractic or Blair chiropractic. If you don't love the work you're doing, it's just going to become a regular job eventually, because there are days where you are tired and you don't feel like doing it. But when you have that passion and love for what you're doing, it makes it that much easier to show up and give your best at work every day. So you definitely have to have a passion for it. And if you love helping people, You are going to see the most miraculous things happen in your clinic, and that is the most rewarding part of - and Ruth, as you know, we get people in our clinics that have been everywhere else, and they don't have these answers, and when they get their Blair Upper Cervical adjustment, over time they get their life back, and that's the real reason why most of us do it, so if you want to see lives transform, Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic, there's nothing better.
First, people get hope, like you said, and then they get excited. And then it's a, “why didn't someone tell me earlier?”
So you're doing a lot, not only to help people in your clinic, but to tell people about it. So we mentioned your podcast, Expect Miracles. I would encourage anyone who listens to my show to go and check out your show, but also you made it pretty big on TikTok.
Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty wild.
So do you want to tell us about that and how - start by telling us how to find you and how, just how did all of that come about?
So I am on TikTok and Instagram @drkevinpecca and I'm launching my Spine of Life Chiropractic Instagram, that's the name of the new clinic, Spine of Life Upper Cervical Chiropractic. That's going to be launching next week, but I was always into posting Upper Cervical Chiropractic videos because the main reason was if I found out about this technique sooner, I probably wouldn't have had to suffer for five years. So I remember Dr. Drew Hall was just recording patient testimonials in his office and putting them on YouTube. And I was like, “Oh my God, this is amazing. People need to hear these and, and see these.” And so right as I graduated, I did educational videos, adjustment videos. Anything Upper Cervical related, podcasts, I just put it out there and, you know, over time it started to really grow and grow and grow. And I remember I posted a video on TikTok in January 2022. Got a couple hundred views and then that night it went up to 15,000 views. And then I woke up the next morning and it had like a couple hundred thousand views. And that one video just took off into about almost 12 million views. And it changed my life. It's literally changed my life with the amount of patience I've gotten, the amount of followers, the people I've met. It's, been amazing and I enjoy doing it too. You have to - I do coach some people on, social media coaching to help grow their channels and a lot of people, they just say, “Oh, you know, I made this really good video and I'm not getting the views I want.” And it's like, this doesn't happen overnight. It's like podcasting. It's like being a good Blair doctor. You have to consistently post and post because you have to put the time in. It just doesn't happen overnight. People, when they first start following you, they don't know what you're doing. And so if you make one video. It's like, cool. They - you have to make hundreds and thousands of videos to actually see things come into fruition. So a lot of people think it's just one video and it's going to change everything, but it's hard work and you have to enjoy doing it. And eventually, you know, you're going to build a following and it's going to keep growing and taking off.
Okay. So where are you headed?
That's a great question.
So to me, you're still a young doctor and you've got a lot of years ahead of you. Where do you see yourself going?
So I plan on opening up as many Spine of Life Upper Cervical Chiropractic offices as I can. We're on our second location now, and it's mostly because there's cities, states, countries with out people being able to get this done. And it's really nice and rewarding to have people fly in from out of state and out of the country, but it's also sad too, that these people don't have anywhere else to go when they go home.
And it makes it challenging to get the right kind of follow up care. And I feel this actually very acutely because I'm from Norway originally, and there has been nobody there to send my family and my best friends to. Actually thanks to one of your videos. There's now a doctor in Norway that has signed up to learn the Blair Technique.
Two doctors!
I didn't know that.
And when, so we are teaching the first week, meaning my husband, Dr. Gordon Elder, teaching a Blair seminar in Europe in November in Belgium. And I kind of insert said, you know, “can I help out and spread the word in Norway?” And, all of a sudden before I even made the first phone call, I got an email with a name, somebody had listened to your podcast, contacted Dr. Charmaine Herman at Life University and she forwarded it to Gordon and because it was in Norway, I called him up and he said, “I found out about it through Kevin Pecca’s TikTok.”
That's amazing. I mean, that's another cool thing about social media. You never know who's watching. ou can reach so man-. One of the coolest things that's ever happened to me in my whole life was me and my wife were on our honeymoon last year in a small beach town in Brazil, like nowhere near a city. And we were getting massages done one day. And this woman's massaging me. And her, the masseuse and my wife were speaking Portuguese. And, she's like, “Oh, what's your husband do”? She's massaging me. “Oh, he's a chiropractor.” “Oh, what kind of chiropractor?” “Oh, he's a Blair chiropractor.” She goes, Oh, I know, “I know Blair chiropractic.” And “I'm like, what are you talking about?” You know, Blair. Nobody knows about Blair chiropractic. And then she, she goes, “what's his name? She goes, Oh, “Dr. Kevin Pecca.” And she stops massaging me. She goes, “Oh my God, I know him.” And I turned around and we had this, we like hugged each other. And she's like, “I watch, I follow all your videos. I watched all your videos. This is amazing.” This is a tiny little beach town in Brazil. This I was, I was like, I had goosebumps. It was amazing.
So did you ask her to enroll in chiropractic college?
So she Brazil's interesting where she's already technically, a chiropractor, physical therapy, all kind of jumbles all into one. So she does chiropractic adjustments and everything and massage. So it's a little bit of a different world.
You're scaring me.
Yeah. So, that's another problem we kind of run into is sometimes I'll have people in Europe reach out and say, “hey, can I take a online course from you? Or can I, can I do, can I learn for like, for, can you show me how to do this?” And it's like, you can't take a weekend course. You can't show somebody how to do this even on a week, like it takes years. And the most important thing, not only do you know how to have to do it, you have to know when not to do it, because if you deliver an adjustment in the wrong direction or when somebody doesn't need their atlas adjusted, they are not going to feel good. So it's not just like we're just taking, it's not like we're just adjusting people like on a whim. We know exactly when to adjust, where to adjust. A lot of people don't want to take x-rays. You have to take the x-rays because that's how you know exactly how the bone is shifted out of place. You have to do the thermographic scanning because you have to know if there's any nerve interference or not. So there's so many intricate details that go into the player work. You cannot. Just take a weekend seminar. It takes years, years. And you talk to Gordon, you talk to Michael Lenarz, anybody that's been doing it for 15, 20 years, they still say they haven't mastered it. They're still getting better. It's just, that's another reason why I feel like there's not a lot of people doing it too, because it's not - It takes some time. It's not an easy technique to learn and you're dealing with a very sensitive area. So you really have to know what you're doing. And it's like, you know, we would love to teach you, but it just doesn't work like that. You need to go to chiropractic school. First of all, you need to be a licensed chiropractor and you need a lot of training.
Yeah. And then you need to take the technique courses.
So is it worth putting in all that work? Like, why would someone want to do that?
For me, it's a no brainer because that's what saved my life. And I - that's nothing more - That's the greatest gift I can give to somebody is a Blair Upper Cervical Adjustment because I know how impactful it is and how it can change somebody's life. To me, absolutely. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I've learned it from so many great people and you know, I'm still learning. You need to put that hard work in.
Yeah. And then now you're on the board of the Blair Chiropractic Society. It's not something that we've actually talked a lot about on this podcast, but essentially your mission is to protect and advance the technique.
So protect means if you go to a chiropractor who's a Blair Chiropractor, especially if they're certified, you know that they put in that work that you're describing.
So that would be someone who's certified. You can, you can know they have put in that work.
And then advance is just to make sure that the progress that has been made. It doesn't stop.
Yeah. So if you're ever want - cause there's a lot of people that say they do Upper Cervical or there might even be some doctors out there that said they do Blair. If you're not listed on Blairchiropractic.com, chances are you're not doing Blair.
Please say that again and listen up people. Because I love to talk to people. And I always say, if you have any questions, if you're suffering, and you want a solution, call me. I mean that. And I hear from people all over that saying “they said Blair.” And then I'm going, “what, where,” or I hear “so and so is an Upper Cervical chiropractor.” And then I start digging and it's like, “where did they learn it? There's no record of any courses anywhere.” So what is your recommendation for a person, let's say they're in a similar situation that you found yourself in suffering. How should we go about making sure that the doctor is a solid doctor?
So my, the first and foremost, what I do with people is I tell them to go to blairchiropractic.com to locate a doctor near you. And you know, if you're on that website, you are practicing Blair the correct way. You're taking x-rays, you're doing thermography, you're doing leg checks, you're giving proper adjustments, and if there's no doctor on that website near you, I tell people you can find a -, there's about seven different Upper Cervical techniques. You can find a similar, it's not gonna be Blair, but you can find a similar technique on UpperCervicalcare.com. Now that's another area where, some people probably say they're doing Upper Cervical, but they're not. But I do get a lot of good - this one woman said she watched one of my videos and went to a NUCCA practitioner and it saved her life. So, amazing. I'm all for that. I'm not gonna not refer to an Upper Cervical doctor because they don't do Blair. You have to check the website. Are there, - is there anything that says NUCCA, Blair, Knee Chest, Atlas Orthogonal, Epic, you know, there's about seven or eight of them. If they're not saying anything on their website about Upper Cervical, I would stay away.
And then they can also call me. We can work on it together.
And you can if there is an Upper Cervical chiropractor that you really want to get treatment from. You know, and you have the means of traveling. Go travel, and then that doctor can hopefully set you up with somebody for follow up care when you do go back home.
Great advice. We've done lots of that, and I'm sure you have too. Yeah, so we have people come from all over to our clinic.
Ruth, as you know, some people, they do get phenomenal results after their first adjustment, now but there's a difference between feeling better and getting better. You can feel better after your first adjustment, but true healing does take time.
Yeah. And then some people don't feel better.
Sometimes it ramps up a little bit and gets a little worse before it gets better.
So it's better if you can find one that's close to you that can keep an eye on you.
Absolutely. You need to get checked. You need to make sure you're holding those alignments because, like we said, holding is healing. So if you disappear for two or three months, we don't know if you're holding, we don't know if you're out. So you do need to get checked after the follow up visits.
So this has been so full of information so far. I love everything you’ve said, your energy, your passion, the fact that it comes from your heart. What have we missed, like what do you wish every single person would know that I haven’t asked you about?
If you are in a similar situation as any of the symptoms I was describing and you’ve think you’ve tried everything but you haven’t tried Upper Cervical. I think that is an avenue you definitely want to explore. There is some life changing results we see in our offices. I wish everybody knew about Upper Cervical Chiropractic and that’s one of the reasons we are doing this podcast.
Yeah, so, maybe share it.
Yeah. Absolutely. Because, you know, a lot of the pharmaceutical companies they have million dollar advertising budgets. And we just have our doctors and just people like yourself that are out here spending their own time, their own money on spreading the good word. And just sharing an episode like this with someone in need goes a long way.
Yeah, thank you for that. Dr. Pecca it’s been an absolute pleasure to have this conversation and I so much appreciate your time.
The pleasure is all mine and I would love to be back anytime Ruth.
Alright. Great. I for sure will take you up on that.
Yeah. Absolutely