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Podcast - Episode 64: Getting rid of Meniere's disease with Matthew Coursey

Writer: Blair Chiropractic ClinicBlair Chiropractic Clinic


GUEST: Matthew Coursey

In this episode, we cover the devastating effects of Meniere’s disease. Matthew describes what he was feeling, the effects it had on his life and what he did to get rid of his symptoms. More importantly, he talks about how Meniere’s disease kept him from being involved in ministry and working on his life purpose.

Meniere’s disease affects every aspect of life and is very scary. A lot of medical treatment options come with serious risks of side effects.

Matthew found the Blair Chiropractic Clinic doing a Google search was the absence of vertigo. And the ability to work without the fear of falling.

Now that he is vertigo free Matthew not only enjoys his job at Lowe’s, but also finds joy in volunteering for Open Door ministry to provide aid and assistance to those suffering from chronic homelessness, as well as those that have been suffering from sex trafficking.

Links related to this conversation:

Open Door

Amazon Wishlist

Tinnitus and Dizziness Youtube Video

To get in touch with Matthew contact Ruth.

To contact Ruth, go to


Welcome, welcome, welcome to What Pain in the Neck? I am Ruth Elder, your host, and I am sitting here with a very exciting guest. What he doesn't know is that when I started this podcast, this was a little over a year ago now when I was preparing to launch this podcast, I made a list of over a hundred names of people I wanted on my show. And your name was on that list, but it wasn't the right time yet. But today is the right time. Welcome, Mr. Matthew Coursey.

Thank you for having me.

I sprung that on you. You didn't know that, did you?

I did not, but in his timing, everything works.

Yes. So the reason that I wanted to invite you is you've gone through some incredibly difficult times, but now you've found some solutions to it. And we're going to talk about what getting better from a health perspective, what that has done for your life. So that's what facilitated this interview.

A couple of weeks ago, you were In our reception room sharing all the wonderful things that - your projects and the things that you're doing and there was fire in your voice and in your eyes and that is really what getting help with your health is all about. It's all about being more who we're meant to be and we can make an impact and you had some desires to make an impact and you've went through some difficulties and now it's taking off and you're changing the world.

Well, I'm doing my best.

You're doing your part, more than your fair share, I would say.

Well, to all the listeners, grace and peace be with you from God, our Father and the Lord Christ Jesus.

Oh, thank you. So, Matthew, in that conversation two weeks ago, what are you up to these days?

Oh boy. Well, I've been working very hard to do the best I can to support not only myself, but aiding and assisting a group here local called Open Door. And Open Door happens to provide aid and assistance to those suffering from chronic homelessness, as well as those that have been suffering from sex trafficking.

Yeah, that is suffering right there. So, for you to open up your heart and find solutions for them. So, tell us what's being done for that and what's going on with all of that in Lubbock. What's the need and what is being done?

Well, to be quite honest, it all started two years ago when I moved to the Lubbock area and found out that my church does a collection for blankets and socks and I was in my own time of suffering and definitely going through some seasons of healing and found out this year that they had partnered with Open Door. And Open Door is doing their best to accommodate and help these individuals get into housing, get counseling that they need, get medical help that they need, and just helping them get on their feet so that they can get out of the chronic homelessness and out of the sex trafficking dangers.

Their biggest need at this point, they're really struggling with hygiene products. They're one of, if not the only, free public shower station.. And they have hundreds that come in each day and take showers and hang out in their community center. And the need for that hygiene.

Okay, so let's - this will be a good time I think to find out where is the center? And usually I do a call to action more towards the end of the episode, but I feel like this is important enough. So if somebody wants to donate, where do they go and how do we go about that?

Okay, so Open Door has their own website and it's, or you can hop online and go to and search for wishlist. And I had created a wishlist of different hygiene items that are sold in bulk, and each item on that list would benefit roughly a hundred or more individuals that come through their doors for service and there is at least a hundred, if not more, they come through on a daily basis.

Great, so what I love about the Amazon list is anyone can donate from anywhere on that.

Yes, and I have it set up so that any purchases will go straight to the Open Door Facility.

Yeah. Excellent. So now that we've got that logistics out of the way, would you flesh out a little bit more what your role is, what you have seen accomplished so far and how did you get into it?

You mentioned your church, but a lot of us go to church and our church has a food drive or clothing drive or whatever. But your involvement has quickly gone to a whole nother level as you laid out for us. And then you did mention that you were going through some hard times yourself. And if you would be willing to share to the extent that you feel comfortable with our listeners, what was it about your own journey that motivated you to help?

Indeed so. So with Opendoor, I, like I said, was feeling the pull towards it by donating blankets to our church.

So that's where it started. You donated some blankets.

I did.

Which I think most of us have actually probably done or something similar.

Yes. And what really kicked off this adventure is someone very near and dear to my heart had been praying over me for years. Change of heart, change of action, and just really wanting some growth in me. And I desperately needed that growth because I was stagnant, and hurting, and in my hurt, I was hurting others. And so, in my self reflection, I had asked her, “what is it that is your desires, what is it that you aspire to do, or have aspired to do with your life?” And they told me, “well, they wanted to be an advocate for those that have gone through sex trafficking and sexual abuse.” And so, in reflecting, I had gone to sleep. Woke up and felt told “you are in the right direction. But remember, you have wanted to do something for the homeless as well as disabled vets.”

And so, being a man of research, I decided to do some research and see what it is that I could do. And page after page of finding new things, I came across Open Door. And it was - I literally sat in the church and heard my pastor say, “hey, we're collecting blankets and socks. They're going to be distributed by Open Door that's here in Lubbock.”

And upon hearing that, I was like, “okay, who are these guys?” So I looked them up on Google, which anyone can do. And sure enough. They have already started this and I felt…

So they've essentially started what you had wanted to start.

Yes. And so I felt the pull to partner with them, to go in and talk to them. They have survivor housing programs that help get those that have gone through sex trafficking out of that and into a safe space. And they have supplemental housing, which gets essentially gets the people off the streets and helps them get into a housing and helps them get into a job so that they can pay and be able to get back on their feet.

And so unfortunately, both their programs are full and they still have people on their waiting list. And because Open Door themselves does not have housing in order to accommodate, they have programs where they partner with different apartment complexes or private leasers to try and get these individuals the help they need.

They help them get any counseling they may need. They help them with some medical problems they may have. They have a team of doctors that come in once a month that they partner with Texas Tech. They come in once a month and give them free health care and really check them out and help them get any medicines that they may need.

And I had talked with Dr. Cobb for a little bit. And he was interested in doing some free screenings for some people that I work with. And I had intentions of talking with him on possibly coming and visiting some others that may need some help.

Yeah. Well, we'll definitely talk about that.

So what is your role in this now? Yeah, because that's where I really saw you sparkle the other day.

Well, the Lord has led me to gather some people and come and not only spread his message, but to help. And I have been going at least three times a week. I would love to be going more, which I'm hoping to do so very soon.

Every day at 7 a. m. they have a prayer circle.And so I started off this journey. Not even being a part of Open Door just yet with hearing “you've been praying over your own situation. How willing are you to pray for others? How willing are you to serve for others?” And so I was talking with my grandmother earlier today about helping those with disabilities, those with homelessness, those that have been suffering. And I told her, I said, “I went through a season of suffering myself. And in my pride, I said, yeah, I can do this on my own. I don't need help. And I felt humbled to a point where I needed to ask for help.”

Yeah. Are you willing to go a little bit more in depth about this?

I can do so. About a year and a half ago, I started suffering from the onsets of Meniere's disease.

Okay, so some people who are listening may know what that is, but most of us don't.

Yes. So, I had been experiencing some major episodes of vertigo in my left ear and as well as some fullness. And just as I like to put it, I had been going through space camp because everything's spinning.

Okay. That's what I was getting at. When you're saying vertigo, most of us have some vague idea what that is like. Can you, as someone who's gone through it and you call it space camp, can you describe what you actually went through, what it's actually like?

Yes. I could be walking, I could be standing still, sitting down, or even laying down, and it would feel as though the world around me was spinning on every axis.

So if you were standing or sitting, does that make you fall, stumble?

It made me stumble quite a bit. There were times where I did fall. And, thankfully I was in areas where I didn't hit anything. But for those that are suffering from Meniere's disease, there is hope. I was looking for answers, and every answer that I found was experimental surgery and I was not satisfied with that because each Surgery had a high chance of just taking away my hearing.

Sure It would help take away the vertigo, but I would lose my hearing.

Yeah. What a trade off. What a trade off.

Yes, and so I was sitting down and “just, Lord, why do you have me here? I have this issue going on in my ear where it's affecting my work, it's affecting my life, it's affecting my relationships with people, period. Why am I here? What is it that you have for me?” And so that particular day, I had hopped online trying to find more answers. And funny enough, Dr. Elder’s testimony showed up on Google as my first search result.

His video that he does about vertigo and dizziness on YouTube?

Well, no, it was just on Google and it was actually on y'all's website, y’alls testimonial, and I read it and I thought to myself, “okay, if this is where you want to lead me, let's go down this road.”

So, okay, so I want to find out what it was like for you and what kind of courage it took to come here. But before I do that, I want to back up a tiny bit. You had all these debilitating symptoms. Had something happened to you? Did you have a car accident? Did you fall from a great height? Did something happen?

No, unfortunately, I've had a few times where I was rear ended, but never have had any debilitating accidents where I've fallen or hit my head or anything.

That is something that we see all the time here, is the rear end accidents, and even just the very low impact, even low dose rear end accidents, so low that maybe the airbag doesn't go off, there could be zero damage to the car, can do a lot of damage to the person. And so when it comes to rear end accidents. Unfortunately, I don't believe there's such a thing as a small accident, people wise.


So you didn't have anything major, but like most people, you've had bumps, and when you saw that online, and then, what was the process like a lot of people have objections to coming to a chiropractor, and you were already so sick, were you scared, hopeful? What was the process like? Did you just call? Did you make the appointment online? What happened?

Well, a portion of me was, I wouldn't say scared, but I wouldn't say doubtful either. I felt hope and I made the phone call. It's like, “look, this is what I've got. I would appreciate being seen” and sure enough, they brought me in. And they're wonderful people.

They probably, if you called, you most likely talked to me.

Either Ms. Ruth or Ms. Elizabeth.

Yes. So more often than not, I talk to first time patients, but sometimes she does if I'm not here.

So what was the process like when you started? What did you experience?

Well, they did a screening. To see what issues I may have and then we wound up doing CAT scan to check on things a little bit deeper.

Yeah, you gotta look at it.

And within the first week or so, I had my first adjustment and immediately started feeling better.

So when you say feeling better, it didn't all go away, did it?

It did not. I still experienced at that time some ringing in my ears, which is one of the symptoms of Meniere's. And there were times where I had a slight dizzy spill or an episode of vertigo, but I could always call, make an appointment, and they would bring me in and check me out and maybe do a little adjustment there.

Yeah. So what are you feeling these days?

These days I have been vertigo free.

That is amazing. What most of us actually take for granted, but once you've had it, it's one of the scariest things in the world, I think.

An interesting thing that - this is not research based, or it's not coming from a doctor, but I have worked in a Blair Upper Cervical office for almost 30 years, and that's one of the things I've noticed, that when people get the adjustment, the healing immediately begins.


But it's not all immediately gone, like the healing is a process. And different things heal at different rates. And it's not a hard andfast rule, but you mentioned ringing in the ears, and I've noticed that that for some whatever reason, that seems to be in the slower aspect of the healing. So, but you said that you noticed some differences pretty quickly. So what did you notice first?

Like in my case, when I had my first adjustment, I had lots and lots and lots of problems and lots of pain. And it was not the pain that went away, but I also couldn't sleep. And so my healing process started with sleeping. So where did your healing journey start?

It was the absence of vertigo. And the ability to work without the fear of falling. Because I work on equipment and sometimes we'll be up 13 feet up in the air. Mind you, I am harnessed into my equipment.

I can't imagine how scary that must have been. At the time you worked at Lowe's, right?

I still do.

You still do. So yeah, we've all been at Lowe's and know what that looks like. I can't imagine what you were going through.

So what would you say to someone that's been diagnosed with Meniere's disease, or maybe they haven't been diagnosed with Meniere's disease, but they're going through, they have ringing in the ears, they feel like the world is spinning, there's fullness in the ear, they're worried about losing their hearing, all of those things. What would you say to that person?

I would say, for the love of everything, come visit our friends at Blair Chiropractic or find another that is specialized in Upper Cervical Chiropractic care.

Yeah, so if you're in West Texas, Lubbock area, we'd love to see you here, but you can still give me a call and we'll find the closest doctor to you, or you can go to and find a doctor near you, but I can certainly help direct you to where to find a suitable specialist for you.

So I, sincerely, thank you and appreciate you for sharing that because I just know that there's other people that are suffering and it's so debilitating.

So was that about a year ago?


And so, once you got the physical healing happening, you've described some of this, I almost want to say spiritual mental healing, where all of a sudden now you've not just gotten yourself back, but now you're turning out to help others. So you mentioned talking to your grandmother, what were some other important points along the way?

In the seasons that I've been going through my healing. I have come across a few different messages of the good Lord's grace and mercy in the book of second Corinthians. Chapter 12 verse 9. “But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me.”

How do you interpret that to not just kind of give in to suffering. You're saying that's been part of your healing?

Yes, I have tried on many occasions to, in my own pride, do things on my own. And have found great weakness in doing so. But relying on him and his strength and his grace upon me has allowed me to open my eyes to the help that is not only available, but the help that I can give to others.

Yeah, yeah, that's beautiful.

Matthew, it's such an inspirational story of taking the step to get help from you for yourself. And that has allowed you to open handedly be the person that you were meant to be to help others. And you've only just begun that part of the journey.

Very much so.

Sso where do you see yourself going now in the next, okay, let's say next few months or a year. What are some of your hopes and dreams and things that you're wanting to achieve?

I would love to be able to help more in our community, those suffering from homelessness, those battling against the sex trafficking, our disabled veterans that are having problems, our first responders that have lost their loved ones. And just be able to really bring in and provide help because it wasn't just the high and mighty that received help in our good Lord's coming. He reached out to those with special needs. He reached out to those that are hurting. And it was that light to the dark. Because we as a people have been living in darkness and he is our light and each and all of us there is his light and we should let it shine and be able to extend those hands to help others.

Yeah, that is a beautiful message. I appreciate that.

I love your story and I've asked you some questions. Now is there something that I haven't asked you about that you just can't wait to share?

I have seen in our community, at least, and the world around us, we are in a season of hope.

Oh, nice.

We are in a season of hope. Hope for change, hope for greater, not just for ourselves, but for the world around us.

Yeah. SoI feel like there's a lot of people that maybe feel the opposite like there's a lot of hopelessness. So do you care to elaborate a little bit on that?

I do. In this hope that we feel I believe that we are looking for healing We are looking in many places and in each place that we're looking He will provide an answer.

So, “when you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up, nor will the flames consume you.” And that is in the book of Isaiah 43. Verse 2. In Romans 15:13, it says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, be sure and steadfast, and which enters in the presence behind the veil.”

So this hope that we have is an anchor to the one that not only created us, but Walks with us walks before us and walks beside us.Like I said, he will provide as he always has.

Yeah, and that's actually been a theme in a lot of my interviews I've noticed. It's when you don't give up and you hold on to hope and you seek answers they will come.

I thank you for that message and thank you for your time. I appreciate all you do and we'll put some links in the show notes so that people can give and get a hold of you and also if you're out there and you're suffering with your own health, contact me and I will do my very best to find the right kind of doctor for you to get your healing journey started so that we can be better people as a community help each other.

Indeed so.

Okay, so we had finished the episode and then we just sat here talking. I've now plugged my equipment back in and turned it back on because you thought maybe there was something else that you forgot to share related to what you're doing.

Oh, yes. So about a week ago, I had come across a link to a beautiful foundation. It's the Tim Tebow Foundation, and he has been helping those that are what he calls the most vulnerable people. And there are those that, women, children, families, that are suffering from homelessness, suffering from medical needs, special needs, and just real darkness that is in the world. And he has been stepping out to be that light. He has taken what open door is doing and what my dream and hope of doing in the future and has been doing so worldwide. And he's been helping roughly 80 different countries, people in different different countries, battling with these needs battling against the sex trafficking.

And I reached out to him. I would be hopeful and appreciate some feedback but I know he's a very busy man, and if anybody would love to check out his link and the Tim Tebow foundation and just be able to give and or help in any way.

Yeah. And then also see what kind of work you're wanting to keep going with. One of my questions to you was what's in the future for you, and I definitely see a lot of this in your heart.

Oh, yes.

Yeah. Thank you for that.

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