Discover Healing: Your Trusted Chiropractic Clinic
Step #1:
Your spine will be briefly examined to find out whether or not you have any vertebrae out of alignment that are causing nerve pressure. You will receive recommendations from the Doctor based on the findings. One 25-30 minute appointment.
Step #2:
It is keeping the spine in alignment that brings healing, not the adjustment itself. There will be regular check-ups gradually spaced further apart until your adjustment has stayed in place for 3 months. Average is 10-15 appointments over the course of 3-5 months:
3-D imaging of your cervical spine (the neck) will be taken by the latest imaging technology. A thorough history and exam of the spine will be conducted.
After a brief report of findings and answering all remaining questions you may have, the Doctor will give a specific adjustment based on what he saw on the images. It is so quick and light you won’t feel it.
Estimated $2200 -$2600
for the initial 4 months
Step #3:
We recommend once per month check-ups to catch it early if nerve pressure returns so you don’t slip back into the old problems.
Most visits are $75.