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What Pain In The Neck?
A Podcast About Resolving Suffering
Welcome, welcome, welcome to What Pain in the Neck, the Podcast! Friends and Experts are sharing their True and Tried solutions to suffering.
Several stories come from my own life experiences and learning, but most come from the room where it happened, working in specialized healthcare since 1994. Suffering people understood there had to be a solution. They found there was hope, their suffering RESOLVED, and they got their lives back.
Click on the episodes below to get started!

Podcast - Episode 72: Excitement, Depression and Helping others with Tony Martin
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Tony Martin Tony Martin currently works in the office products industry. He is very friendly and outgoing and...

Podcast - Episode 71: The Power of Positive Affirmations with Kim Davis
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Kim Davis When the pandemic forced us all to quarantine, and everybody had to stay inside, as a widow, Kim found...

Podcast - Episode 70: Finding healing from ocular migraines, blindness leads to life purpose of helping others in New Mexico. Dr. Olivia Gurule-Rietman
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Dr. Olivia Gurule-Rietmann She is a Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Albuquerque, NM. She fell in love with...

Podcast - Episode 69: The first Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Lubbock, TX and his three scientific discoveries with Dr Tyler Evans
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Dr. Tyler Evans Dr. Tyler Evans has been digging deep into the personal and professional history of Dr. William...

Podcast - Episode 68: Use real food as medicine for physical and mental health with Rachel Maples RN, MSN,CFNIP
EPISODE SUMMARY This episode covers a lot of aspects of the relationship between physical and mental health. A parallel healthcare system...

Podcast - Episode 67: The benefits to 3-D CBCT imaging and what it can do for you with Chris Thornburgh and Lori Crowder
EPISODE SUMMARY Chris Thornbutgh and Lori Crowder CBCT stands for Cone Beam Computed Tomography, and it's very similar to regular...

Podcast - Episode 65: Amblyopia, Vision Therapy, Childhood Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care with Miriam Elder.
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Miriam Elder Miriam talks to her mom, Ruth, about what it was like growing up in an Upper Cervical Chiropractic...

Podcast - Episode 64: Getting rid of Meniere's disease with Matthew Coursey
EPISODE SUMMARY GUEST: Matthew Coursey In this episode, we cover the devastating effects of Meniere’s disease. Matthew describes what he...

Podcast - Episode 62: The Future of Chiropractic in Europe with Dr. Geoffroy Van Innis
EPISODE SUMMARY HOST: Ruth Elder Dr. Van Innis is the first and so far only specialist with a post-doctorate degree in the Upper Neck in...

Podcast - Episode 61: Year in Review. Top Ten, Favorites, Challenges, You can Win and more.
EPISODE SUMMARY HOST: Ruth Elder After one year of publishing sixty-one podcast interviews, Ruth goes over the top ten as well as her...

Podcast - Episode 60: What does my neck got to do with me being fertile? with John Hilpisch, DC
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: John Hilpisch, DC Dr. Hilpsch provides Blair Upper Cervical Care to families in the Minneapolis area. He has...

Podcast - Episode 59: When you don't see miracles with Dr. Brian Pokorski.
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Terri Arthur Dr. Pokorski tells the story(ies) that brought him into the chiropractic profession. He not only...

Podcast - Episode 58: Dos and Dont's of essencial oils with Terri Arthur and Toni Tillis.
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Terri Arthur Terri Arthur is the owner of the specialty store Fragrance of Heaven in Lubbock,TX. She has studied...

Podcast - Episode 57: When people say “I don't believe in chiropractic.” Ian Bulow, DC. DCCJP and Christina Bulow
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Ian Bulow and Cristina Bulow In this episode, Ruth and her husband Dr. Gordon Elder have a frank discussion...

Podcast - Episode 56: The joys of seeing incredible results in daily practice leads to research by Dr. Alan Brewster
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Alan Brewer Dr. Brewster “retired” from private chiropractic practice after 30 years in order to focus on research...

Podcast - Episode 55: How to be the best version of yourself and be free with Blair Hayes
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Blair Hayes In this episode Blair Hayes, a Lubbock realtor talks about how taking care of her health has helped...

Podcast - Episode 54: How to use your business to help those in need with Natalie Craig
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Natalie Craig Natalie Craig tells the story of how she founded her hair salon in Lubbock called Regimen after...

Podcast - Episode 53: Children's healthcare and cultural competence with Dr. Charmaine Herman.
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Charmaine Herman, D.C. Dr. Charmaine Herman is a first-generation Doctor of Chiropractic graduating in 2009 from...

Podcast - Episode 52: Joy, Happines, Trauma recovery, Pediatric and Geriatric Care, Confidence and Excellence
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Celia Ringstad, D.C. Dr. Celia Ringstad shares her chiropractic story and Blair Upper Cervical Specific Care in...

Podcast - Episode 51: Hope and Healing Solutions from Chronic Conditions
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Mr. Tony Hook Mr. Tony Hook was introduced to Upper Cervical Chiropractic when he found himself needing a job. It...

Podcast - Episode 50: Mental Health Treatment and Finding Your Light
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Luca O'Brien Luca O’Brien is a newly graduated Doctor of Chiropractic, a rising star in the Upper Cervical...

Podcast - Episode 49: Finding Treatment for Post Concussion Syndrome and Going Viral on Tik-Tok
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Kevin Pecca At 20 years old, Kevin Pecca went from living his best life to thinking he was dying and destined...

Podcast - Episode 48: Concussions and Post Concussion Syndrome - Effective Treatment Methods
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Al Cobb Dr. Al Cobb is a board-certified Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor. His background is in sports....

Podcast - Episode 47: Losing Weight with Real Food and Keeping It Off
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Kerry Thuett Dr. Kerry Thuett applied her own knowledge of science to improve her own health and permanently...

Podcast - Episode 46: Seeking Migraine Treatment, Epic Technique and Sherman College of Chiropractic
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Russell Goff Dr. Russell Goff was introduced to Chiropractic through his Dad, who had a shoulder injury....

Podcast - Episode 45: Preventing Suicides, Offering Hope, Support and Solutions to Sufferers and Survivors
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Sybille Neuber Potential trigger warning: This episode mentions suicide. If you or someone you know has suicidal...

Podcast - Episode 44: Uplift and Inspire You and I with the U&I Conference
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Pam Sweeten and Kadee Harcrow The U&I conference was started in Lubbock, TX by Pamela Sweeten who moved to...

Podcast - Episode 43: Pain Relief, Balance and Active Aging
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Jeffrey Blake Jeffrey Blake is a personal trainer in Lubbock. He works locally and remotely. He has helped people...

Podcast - Episode 42: Treatment for Migraines, Remission from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Fibromyalgia, Changing Generations of Abuse
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Malysa Stone In this inspirational episode, Malysa Stone talks about breaking generational patterns of abuse,...

Podcast - Episode 41: Serving Veterans with ,Post Concussion Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress, Research and CT Scan Technology
EPISODE SUMMARY Guest: Dr. Tyler Evans One of the reasons I started “What Pain in the Neck?” is to share conversations as I have...
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