
The Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care

What Is Pediatric Chiropractic Care?

Usually, when people think of chiropractic care, they think of adults with bad backs or workplace injuries going for treatment. The truth is, chiropractic care, like most other forms of healthcare, works best when it is preventative. The earlier it begins, the more benefits a person will reap. 

No one can benefit from routine chiropractic care more than a child with a growing body. Here are some common health issues children may experience that may be helped by pediatric upper cervical care. 

Corrects Birth Traumas

If you think for a minute about how most children are brought into this world head-first, it shouldn't come as a surprise that there may be micro or macro-traumas of the spine during delivery. Any vertebrae that are out of place can put pressure on nerves, disrupting signals or causing misfires. Since nerves are the way the brain communicates with the body's major systems to keep them functioning, compression of a nerve can cause some serious problems. 

Many common problems babies suffer from, such as colic, reflux, or breastfeeding difficulties, may stem from misalignments of the upper cervical spine. Early misalignments can also have an impact on the development of the musculoskeletal system, causing problems such as scoliosis. 

Alleviates Aches and Pains

Poor posture has always been an issue; parents and other adults have been telling children to sit up straight for ages. Unfortunately, modern society has exacerbated the poor posture epidemic. When using electronic devices, children tend to thrust their heads forward and hold their heads down for long periods, putting undue stress on the vertebrae. 

Because of this, even young children are experiencing aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, and back. Pains can make children cranky and discourage them from physical activity. 

Improves Sleep

Aches and pains can also have an impact on sleep. Tight or stiff muscles, joint stiffness, joint pain, neck aches, and tension headaches can all get worse at night. Aches and pains disrupt sleep, leaving children fatigued and irritable throughout the day. This can interfere with success in school or their desire to engage in productive activities.

Helps Brain Development

The upper cervical spine begins at the base of the skull, near where the brainstem connects to the spinal cord. Misalignments of the vertebrae may cause swelling that compresses nerves or may cause nerves to become pinched. Nerve compression and damage can disrupt the flow of nerve signals and lead to various neurological conditions such as migraines, vertigo, epilepsy, or muscular dystrophy.

Strengthens the Immune System

Misalignments of the upper cervical spine can cause problems with the immune system due to disrupted nerve signals. Everything from headaches, sinus infections, ear infections, and digestive issues can be rooted in misalignments of the spine. 

How Our Pediatric Chiropractic Care Works

Chiropractic care helps restore the proper alignment of the spine, reducing inflammation and swelling, allowing nerve signals to flow, and alleviating stress and pressure on muscles, ligaments, and joints. Chiropractic care is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive way to promote overall health and wellness, keeping the body's systems functioning optimally. 

Traditional chiropractic techniques, with jarring snaps, twists, and cracks, may be worrying to parents and scary to young children. That's why the Blair Chiropractic Technique is ideal for treating even young children. Blair practitioners use a light, barely noticeable touch and make the most of modern technology to help restore health to the spine. 

Dr. Gordon Elder of the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas is a specialist in the Blair technique. Dr. Elder has a three-step plan for upper cervical care.

The first step involves a health screening, which includes advanced 3D imaging diagnostic technology to help assess the spine and pinpoint problems. This eliminates the guesswork and allows the doctor to use a much gentler touch in making more precise adjustments. 

The second step is the healing process, in which the doctor makes the corrections with minimal pressure. Once the spine is properly aligned, the body's systems and natural healing processes can function optimally to restore and retain the child's overall health. 

The third step involves regular chiropractic check-ups to nip problems in the bud and ensure the spine remains in a healthy, aligned state. This allows the child's body to develop as it should into adulthood, avoiding many common injuries and ailments. 

Contact Dr. Elder to see how he can help your child's health through pediatric chiropractic care. Dr. Elder's area of coverage includes Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

A Gentle and Effective Treatment for Neck Pain In Children

Why is Neck Pain Increasing in Children?

When you think of someone having neck pain, you're probably thinking of an older person. It may surprise you to learn that an estimated one in five children suffers from neck pain. Many of us think of children as healthy and resilient, but there is an alarming increase in children suffering from pain that was once a complaint of aging adults. 

Neck pain can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep, discourage kids from engaging in physical activities, and distract them from their studies. If not treated, neck pain can lead to more serious health problems later in life. 

Signs and Symptoms of Neck Pain in Children

Some children will report neck pain to their parents, but some children may not realize that it should be mentioned. When children suffer from neck pain, observant parents might notice that their child has poor posture, or that his range of movement seems restricted in the head and/or neck area. Children with neck pain may also suffer from headaches.

A mild case may involve tenderness or stiffness of the neck that occurs sporadically. In more moderate to severe cases, pain can be more intense and more frequent. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Effects Neck Pain in Children

The uppermost seven vertebrae start at the base of the skull and run down the neck. This part of the spine is not only responsible for protecting the spinal cord but is also responsible for carrying the weight of the head and the movement of the head and neck. 

Unfortunately, the upper cervical spine is prone to injury. Injury can occur from an impact, such as from roughhousing or being in a car accident. Injuries can also occur from poor posture, particularly the posture children assume when they are using electronic devices. When thrusting the head out and downward to look at a smartphone or tablet, the weight of the head puts undue stress on the vertebrae in the neck and can cause misalignments.

The use of handheld technological devices for long periods seems to be causing an epidemic of neck and upper back problems in children. Parents can help prevent issues by making sure children take frequent breaks from using devices, and holding them up so their head is not bent forward when using them. Once the spine is misaligned, however, the damage is done. Pain will continue until the root of the problem is fixed.

How We Treat Neck Pain in Children

Dr. Gordon Elder of the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas specializes in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. The Blair technique is focused on effective treatment of the upper cervical spine that is safe enough for children. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods that involve jarring twists and jerks, the Blair technique uses advanced technology to find precise calculations, and corrections are made through gentle manipulations. 

Dr. Elder begins chiropractic care with a thorough screening using state-of-the-art 3D diagnostic imaging tools. If any misalignments are found, the doctor then uses minimal force techniques applied to precise locations for swift, light corrections.

Once the spine is properly aligned, children should feel some relief. In follow-up exams, the doctor will check to ensure the spine remains aligned. As the body's healing processes commence, inflammation will decrease and health will be restored. 

Children can benefit from regular chiropractic check-ups as part of their general healthcare routine. Preventative care can help nip problems in the bud and prevent more serious issues as their bodies develop and grow. 

It may be common for a child to have neck pain these days, but it isn't normal, and your child doesn't need to endure it. Call Dr. Elder's office if your child appears to be suffering from neck pain. Dr. Elder treats patients in Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico. 

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

Children's Conditions & How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help

Upper Cervical Chiropractic has been proven to help children with colic, chronic ear infections, and more.

If I could just take care of children all the time, I would. No offense to you adults, but children are really fun to take care of.  The thing is, children usually don’t need chiropractic care. However, they should be checked because if they do need it, we want to make the corrections while they’re young so they don’t grow crooked. 

If children don't need upper cervical care, that’s great and that’s the best thing possible. When they’re born, children’s bones are still soft and not totally solidified so they can take a lot of tumbles without sustaining any major damage. There are obviously limits to this. For example, sometimes if a child has some type of in-utero constraint before they’re born, that can cause a neck injury. If a child is born by C-Section, it often becomes a neck injury. A difficult or prolonged vaginal birth also can cause a neck injury. Since the body is meant to take a lot of these stresses, most children are fine when they are born. 

One of the things that give us a clue that a child may have a problem early in life or infancy, is colic. Colic is one of the big things, also when the head twists and they can’t seem to straighten out, often seems to be related. Another sign can be when a baby isn’t nursing well on one side. What we've found is that usually, those children have a neck issue that, once corrected, the neck muscles relax, the muscles in the digestive system relax, and everything starts doing their jobs properly. 

Another symptom that’s usually seen in children as they get a little older is chronic ear infection. However, it’s important to make the distinction between ear infections every once in a while or getting sick every once in a while, versus a chronic condition. Getting sick on occasion is a baby’s natural immunity being built, and it’s important to their overall health as they get older. If a child doesn’t get sick occasionally or if they live in a hermetically sealed environment, they are probably going to grow up and have lots of other issues. But, occasional ear infection or getting sick is perfectly normal.  We just want to ride those out, and give them proper nutrition. Try not to have to give them any drugs that will inhibit them from developing an immune response. 

HERE’S THE DIFFERENCE: If your child develops a chronic ear infection, perhaps their pediatrician is saying they need to use tubes in the ears – In my experience, this is most often a neck problem. Every child that I’ve had come into my office with these issues have seen their symptoms clear up. When we find a neck problem, we corrected the neck problem. The immune system corrects itself, and the body starts functioning properly. In children, the eustachian tubes (the connection between the tongue and the back of the throat) that should remain clear, are fairly straight. Therefore they don’t drain properly and can get ear infections. But, if they get chronic ear infections, a lot of times the muscles around them tighten and so it blocks things. If the neck is out of alignment, the adjustment we make allows those eustachian tubes to open back up again and properly drain. 

Another issue I’ve seen commonly in children a little bit older than the toddler is the bed-wetting. Often that’s just because you know that those children should be able to sleep through the night without wetting their bed. There can be many issues that can cause bedwetting, but one of them does seem to be a neurological issue caused by a problem in the neck. I’ve had some patients come in as children, I’ve adjusted them, and its cleared up, I’ve had some where it hasn’t, it was some other issue but they did have some neck problem and it may have been part of the whole equation. 

If your child is experiencing colic, chronic ear infections, or any of the other symptoms and conditions listed above, we would love to see how we can help. Upper Cervical Chiropractic care has shown tremendous success in helping to eliminate these issues in children.  At Blair Chiropractic Clinic, we want to fix the problem you’re having.  Our motto is “Find it, fix it, then leave it alone”.  Visit or call (806) 747-2735 today to speak with a member of our staff about scheduling a screening.

What is a screening and why is it important?[Video]

What Is A Screening?

The screening is important because we don’t often know if we have injured the spine or how bad it is.

So we want to check those see even if the symptoms aren’t very bad or if you have no symptoms whatsoever that you find out in 30 years that now you have a heart problem because a nerve that is coming from your spine that’s going to your heart isn’t working like it should.

In the screening, there are several components.

The first is just you and me talking about what the issues are and what brought you to my office.

The second is the testing phase, where we determine whether it is something I can help you with or not. And that is divided up into a neurological component and a measurement component. The neurological component has two tests.

The first one is measuring the temperature of your skin on either side of the spine just in the neck region. This gives me some information about the nervous system and how it is functioning.

The second is having you lay on your stomach or on your back and looking at the length of your legs which may sound kind of strange. Leg length changes the tension of the muscles all the way down the spine, causes the pelvis to twist a little bit. If the pelvis twists a little bit, then the hips are not going to be level, and if the hips are not level, then one leg is going to look and act like it is shorter than the other. That can cause other problems.

And then we run some tests from there to determine what is causing that short leg. Is it a neurological problem in the spine, and if so, where in the spine is it? After we do those two tests, then we do a posture measurement. There can be about three different factors that can determine how you are standing and what’s correct for you.

Then we’ll sit down and talk about the findings. And we’ll say “you’re doing fine,” especially if ti’s just a checkup and you don’t have any symptoms. But if I do find something, at that point, we’ll go over what the process is. What’s the next step? What do we need to do to fix it? How long is this going to take? How much will it cost as far as we can tell at this time?

I recommend that screenings start at birth and then proceeds throughout life

It doesn’t mean you have to see the chiropractor a lot. We want to make sure that especially as the child grows, they are growing straight. And even as adults as we get involved in sports and we get into car accidents that it doesn’t cause permanent damage that you may not really realize until 20 or 30 years after the fact.