Migraine Tips — Blog — Blair Chiropractic Clinic

Migraine Tips

5 Natural and Alternative Tips for Migraine Relief

Migraines are so much more than "just a headache." Anyone who has ever suffered from a migraine can tell you, migraines are extremely intense and can last for days. For someone suffering from chronic migraines, this can be positively debilitating. 

Unfortunately, there is little that doctors can do for migraine sufferers. Usually, all the doctors can offer is some pain medication to help you ride out the attack. For many patients, pain medication barely takes the edge off once an attack is in full force. 

Here are some tips to help you get through that painful episode.

1. Retreat

Migraines can cause sensitivity to light, sound, and, in some cases, scents. Any sensory stimulation can make the pain worse—particularly light, which activates pain-transmitting cells. 

When you feel a migraine setting in, retreat to a dark room—preferably one away from noise or with a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. You may want to keep your room free of perfumes, incense, strong-smelling cleaning products, and any other odors that might aggravate your condition.

2. Try Compresses

Some people who suffer from migraines find relief with warm or cold compresses. For some people, the cold has a numbing effect that distracts from the headache. For others, it is the warmth that is soothing and relaxes the muscles. Try both to see which you prefer. 

Place the compress on your forehead, or the back of your neck. 

3. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration triggers migraines, so if you suffer from migraine attacks it is a good idea to keep yourself hydrated. This is especially important when you feel an attack coming on. Some research has revealed that drinking a lot of water at the start of a migraine can help shorten the duration. 

Stay away from sugar and caffeinated drinks—these can dehydrate you further. Instead, opt for plain water, water with a splash of citrus juice, or naturally caffeine-free herbal teas are your best option.

4. Massage Yourself—Cautiously!

When you feel a migraine coming on or getting worse, a head massage can help reduce stress and relax the muscles. Try rubbing your temples, forehead, or the back of your neck, but do so gently! Some people during a migraine can become more sensitive to touch. If massage isn't helping, stop immediately. 

5. Try Meditation

Since migraines are largely linked to stress, meditation can be a great practice for sufferers. Meditation reduces stress and tension, which can help stave off migraines.

Meditation is also a great technique that many people with chronic pain use to manage attacks. If you are trying to get through a migraine, try meditating to help detach yourself from the pain and get through it. 

Let Us Help with Your Migraines

Some research shows that upper cervical care can help in preventing migraines or reduce their duration and intensity. Chiropractic care can help alleviate the stress and tension that lead to attacks, and allow the body's systems to function optimally by ensuring the spine is in proper alignment. 

Dr. Gordon Elder of the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas uses the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique to treat patients with migraines. This technique utilizes modern 3D diagnostic imaging tools to pinpoint problems so that the doctor can apply gentle pressure for more precise corrections. 

Dr. Elder's first step with patients is a thorough health screening and scans with 3D diagnostic tools. Once he can study and calculate your unique anatomy, he can discuss any areas of concern with you and recommend a treatment plan. 

The doctor's second step is to apply low-force pressure to make gentle corrections to the spine. Once properly aligned, the nervous system and blood vessels can flow unimpeded, and the body's natural healing mechanisms kick in. Realigning the spine also takes any strains off the musculoskeletal system that may be contributing to tension and stress. 

As a final step, Dr. Elder recommends patients add chiropractic check-ups to their regular care routine. That way the doctor can prevent future problems. 

If you're suffering from migraines, you're not alone. Dr. Elder wants to help. Call for a consultation to see how upper cervical care can benefit you. Dr. Elder's areas of coverage include Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.