Sore Neck

Are You Waking Up with A Sore Neck?

One thing that can get your day off to a bad start is a sore neck. Waking up with neck pain or a stiff neck can make everything you do to get ready and get on with your day more difficult. Whether it's getting dressed, doing chores, or driving to work, your neck pain will rear its ugly head with every wrong move to remind you that it's still there. 

A sore neck can interfere with your ability to slip into a deep, restorative sleep. Neck pain can jolt you out of a sound sleep, or it keeps you just skimming the surface of sleep all night. As the problem continues night after night, sleep deprivation just builds until you can't take it anymore. 

What Might Be Causing Nighttime and Morning Neck Pain

The first culprit to look at for your neck pain is your bed. Look at your mattress: is it in good shape? Is it overdue for a flip? Maybe it's time for a replacement altogether. 

Next, check your pillow. Is it too full or too hard so that laying on it causes you to bend your neck? Or is it too soft and flat so that it can't support your head? You might need to rearrange or replace your pillows. When you lay down, your head and neck should be straight and in alignment with your spine. 

Perhaps you're sleeping on your stomach. The stomach is the worst position for your neck because it forces you to sleep with your neck turned and causes muscle strain. 

Finally, your neck pain may be due to your poor posture in the daytime. Do you spend a lot of time with your head thrust forward or bent down while you look at a screen or work a machine? Poor posture will definitely result in aches and pains in the neck and back. 

How Upper Cervical Care Can Help

The upper cervical spine is the uppermost part of the spine that runs through the neck. This part of the spine is the most vulnerable to misalignments. Any jolts, accidents, falls, injuries, or even prolonged poor posture can cause a vertebra in the neck to slip out of alignment. 

Once the neck is misaligned, there is little you can do to permanently alleviate the pain until you have the proper alignment restored. For this, most people turn to chiropractors. 

How We Treat A Sore Neck

Chiropractic care offers a safe, non-invasive, drug-free, natural way to help relieve neck pain. Our Dr. Gordon Elder here at the Blair Chiropractic Clinic in Lubbock, Texas specializes in upper cervical care. Dr. Elder is a practitioner of the Blair Chiropractic Technique, an elite technique that utilizes cutting-edge technology and modern manual manipulations to restore your spine's health and to keep it in good health. 

Dr. Elder's plan is threefold for his patients. The first step is a thorough health screening, including scans with 3D imaging diagnostic tools. This allows Dr. Elder to pinpoint the source of the problem. 

The second step is the healing phase, which involves low-pressure adjustments. Because of advanced technology scanning Dr. Elder can use precision rather than force. The Blair Technique is very gentle and comfortable. 

Finally, the third step is preventative care. Dr. Elder recommends adding regular chiropractic visits to your healthcare routine to nip any future problems in the bud. 

Don't let neck pain continue to interfere with your ability to sleep and get through your day. Contact Dr. Elder for a consultation. Dr. Elder's areas of coverage include Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, and El Paso in Texas, as well as Hobbs in New Mexico. 

Published by Vic Belonogoff: A Blair Chiropractic doctor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.